Snertcross is part of Tilburg Triple! Register for three or more walking and running events in 2024[…]
Starting with a basic running routine familiarizes you with running mechanics, including pacing, breathing techniques, and proper[…]
Alberth Heijn Westermarkt sponsored the water bottles we got to give to our participants during Snertcross. Thank[…]
During the Snertcross, our photographer Bunga Noz made beautiful pictures. You can find them all when you[…]
Our sponsor Comfort Producten provides excellent prizes for Snertcross winners! The second and third place winners will[…]
We are happy to let you know that all Snertcross 2023 runners will be rewarded with a 15[…]
Since the challenge organized by the last board was such a hit, we decided to organize a[…]
Deze zaterdag is het zover. Denk er aan dat u zich online kan inschrijven tot vrijdag[…]
29 oktober, volgende week zaterdag, is het dan eindelijk zo ver; de 40ste editie van de[…]