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Subscriptions for the Snertcross 2021 are open!

We are really happy to announce that the snertcross is taking place this year again! It will[…]

Start new running season 2021-2022

The trainings are going to start again! From Monday August 30 we are going to start running[…]

Snertcross uitgesteld

SNERTCROSS UITGESTELD *Belangrijk bericht* Gezien de huidige Corona maatregelen is het helaas niet mogelijk om de Snertcross[…]

Semester Trainings have started

From Monday 31st of August, the new Semester starts. Our trainers Kees and Armand are back and[…]

Virtual Clubweekend

This year the clubweekend committee organized a virtual clubweekend. We started with a running challenge. Well done[…]

Trainings during Covid-19 Outbreak

Trainings during Covid-19 Outbreak Since a few weeks, trainings have restarted. Currently, the Sports Center offers beginners[…]

Virtual Batavierenrace 2020

This weekend, TSAV Parcival has participated in the very first Virtual Batavierenrace! With a total of 28 runners, we[…]

Application New Board 2020/2021

As you probably know, Parcival is a student association, and every year a new student board is[…]

The Parcival Story of Natanop

2nd Anniversary of Joining Parcival: A Brief Reflection Author: Natanop Pimonsathian                                         Release version: 0.0  Date: 23.03.2020 I[…]

Start running to stay fit!

Our trainer provided a program that you can follow if you want to start with running. Below[…]