Registration form at the bottom of this page
How do I become a member?
Simply fill in the membership registration form at the bottoms of this page. Our secretary will register you and you will be added to the WhatsApp group chat + you will receive the newsletters from now on. Don’t hesitate to sent an email when you have any questions about your membership (or anything else).
Tilburg Student Athletics Club Parcival is the ideal club for running and pleasure. Next to the weekly trainings we organize all kinds of (often running related) activities, for example: monthly drinks, the Snertcross, Sinterklaas party, Beermile, Running Dinner and the Clubweekend. Furthermore, we often participate in all kinds of races together as well.
You can find our privacy statement through here.
Extra Info
Every student in Tilburg with a sports membership is allowed to become a member of T.S.A.V. Parcival. Students who have graduated can take a sports membership for another year, and so be a member for another year. You can buy a sports membership here.
Contribution (based on Tarieven Atletiekunie 2019)
Training member
The costs of being a member of T.S.A.V. Parcival is only €20,00 euro a year. If you are an exchange student, you can take a membership of half a year for €10 euro. With your membership, you have access to all of our Parcival activities!
Recreational members
Recreational members pay on top of their Parcival membership also for a membership at the national athletics federation. Members of the Dutch Athletics federation (Atletiekunie) receive discounts on entry fees. Costs for this membership will be based on your age, so please check with our Secretary to know the final cost.
Competition members
Competition members are also welcome at all Parcival activities and on top of that they receive a competition license from the national athletics federation. With this license, you are allowed to run official races, curated by the Atletiekunie. Such a license is mandatory for participation at high level races such as national championships. Costs for this membership will be based on your age, so please check with our Secretary to know the final cost.
New members (no matter what kind of membership) who register after 1st of January receive a € 10 discount on their membership fee.
NB: Membership fees may rise on yearly basis.
Unsubscribe as a member?
If you want to unsubscribe as a member at T.S.A.V. Parcival, you need to send an email before September 1, saying you want to unsubscribe, to
As a former member, you can become a ‘tientjeslid’ and support the association. You will still get the newsletter about what is going on at our association for only 10 euro’s a year.