Since the challenge organized by the last board was such a hit, we decided to organize a brand new challenge! The challenge officially starts at the 1st of April and lasts until the 31st of May.
You can earn points through challenges. Some challenges will challenge your running skills, some will challenge your dedication and some… are special. In order to show you have completed a challenge you will have to message Ruben about the points you earned. He can ask you for proof, so make sure you have some. Ruben will keep track of score and will give weekly updates. Ruben’s number can be found in the Boemel group chat.
Who are you competing with, and what for?:
This challenge will only be for members of Parcival. But don’t worry if you’re not a member yet. You can still sign up as a member and join the challenge at any time during these two months!
At the end of the two months we add all the earned points from participants together and you will receive a reward relative to your score. The winner gets an additional prize. The final score will be announced at the clubweekend! (So be there!)
What are the challenges? And what is their value in points?:
These challenges you can complete multiple times, earning points each time (You can do these challenges as many times as possible!):
- Join a training (1 point)
- Join 3 trainings in one week (2 points)
- Bring a plus one to training, who never has attended before (3 points)
- Attend a training that has over 10 participants (1 point), if over 15 participants (2 points)
- Attend 1 training a week for 4 consecutive weeks (1 point) or if attended 2 or more trainings a week for 4 consecutive weeks (2 points)
- Attend 1 training a week for 8 consecutive weeks (2 points), or if attend 2 or more trainings a week for 8 consecutive weeks (5 points)
- Win a ‘care challenge’ (1 points)
- Join a race organized or sponsored by Parcival (2 points)
- Take initiative for an endurance run in the groupchat, at least 2 people must join (2 points for the organizer, 1 point for the participants)
- Cross a country border during a run i.e. NL-Germany (1 point for each different border)
Challenges you can only complete once (Of course you can do most of these challenges multiple times, but you only get the points once) :
- Run a 5K (1 point)
- Run a 10K (1 point)
- Run a half marathon (21K) (2 points)
- Run a marathon (42K) (3 points)
- Bring a snack to share after training (1 point, 2 points if Ruben is present this training 😉)
- Improve your time for 5K by 1 minute (Relatively to your last race before this challenge, 2 points)
- Improve your time for 10K by 3 minutes (Relatively to your last race before this challenge, 2 points)
- Run after midnight (3 points)
- Run during 4 types of weather (2 points)
- Go for a run with a family member (1 point)
- Join the alcoholympics (1 point)
- Win the alcoholympics (3 points)
- Win your stage at the Batavierenrace (10 points)
- Run the closest to 3 O’clock (5 points, in case of a tie both people get points)
These challenges can only be won by one or a select number of people. The winners of these challenges will be chosen by Ruben at the end of the challenge (31-5-’23)
- Run a route in the funniest shape (top 3 gets points; first 4 points, second 2 points, third 1 point)
- The person who joins training in the funniest clothes (5 points)
- The longest run (one winner, points= amount of kilometers divided by 10)
Q: What is considered training?
A: A training session is only considered an official training if the trainer is either Armand, Kees or substitute
Q: How can I improve my time if I haven’t joined a race before this challenge yet?
A: You can run a trial to measure your time with one of the care committee members
Q: What is a care challenge?
A: A care challenge is a challenge proposed by a member of the care committee at the beginning of a training. You can win multiple times, but each training only has one winner.
Don’t hesitate to contact Maartje, Leon or Ruben (the members of the care committee) when you have more questions.
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