Traditionally, the legendary Carnaval Volleybal Tournament takes place on the Thursday before Carnaval. And ofcourse, as Parcival does not want to miss out, we also joined 2020’s edition of CVT! So ready for acing a different sport than running, we took out our best and most fabulous clothing and all went towards the Sports Center at 19h00.
We gathered 14 Parcivallers, some even who especially for the tournament took some volleyball lessons. During the event we had to face strong opponents. After just losing the first match, we were in need of some drinks (read: beer), because we need to stay hydrated. Match two we played against some unicorns, but they beat us fair and square. But then again, who can beat such magical creatures? Our strategy was: more beer. And this actually seemed to help, as we won our third match! Although, our win may or may not have also depended on the amount of beer our opponent already seemed to have had ;p
Unfortunately we did not get through to quarter finales, but we were still in to celebrate our one victory. So we all went to the party area and had a nice Carnaval party! Sure hope to see you next year again 🙂
Below you will find some spectacular action photos.
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